Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I have not given up.. I'm here

I've drifted yet again.. I do that frequently in times of stress or change, in this case both.

My Dr. and I don't seem to be having any real relationship these days and I feel completely disconnected from the Medical Community once more.

I sent her an email last night, very late letting her know that my skin is burning and that the night sweats are making laundry at 3 am a normal occurrence as my little body that never perspires is drenching the sheets.

It is hard to not let this make me crazy or scared.. It has gone on long enough to have turned to Cancer and my Doctor knows this. Yet the correct tests never happen, I am instead sent to another Specialist near her, over 100 miles away.

I have expressed to her in writing and verbally many times now what a hardship this creates for me. I am disabled, I do not drive making me dependent on the only form of Transit here other than a car, a shuttle service.  The cost is prohibitive and it means spending an entire day on a bus.

This is not simply an inconvenience with my medical condition, it is an impossibility.

Still the calls from these same Specialists keep coming in.. 

Last night in my letter I let her know that I need to see a Dermatologist in my town, NOT 60 miles from here.

I also let her know I am tired of waiting for her to figure out how to have the Hair root test for Metals {Toxicity Panel} and the Alpha MSH test for mold done.  I know the name because I researched and verified by speaking to a Great RN at a Cosmetic Surgeons office! I want this identified so that I may then move forward to the surgery.  I want my LIFE BACK!

Boston Doctors will get this in line in no time, without all the unnecessary duress. MUST get home. I will.

So.. I am in nowhere land and have been since my last posting. The trick has been not letting my many, some serious symptoms/side affects..? NOT letting these things destroy my JOY and my many blessings. 

I have recently allowed myself to dream again, that's a big one!

Love you all.. I will always return. I apologize for the lapses, as things start to MOVE I will be here more often!

;) Love and Light,


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